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Descriptive Statements:
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic terminology, concepts, and theories of microeconomics.
- Apply concepts related to business economics, including opportunity costs, supply and demand, and the law of diminishing returns.
- Analyze principles and theories of competition and characteristics of different types of competitive systems.
- Analyze concepts related to the factors of production.
Sample Item:
The graph below shows the supply and demand curves for chicken.
The supply curve, labeled S sub 0, starts at the lower left and curves upward to the right. The demand curve, labeled D sub 0, starts at the upper left and curves downward to the right.
Which of the following graphs best illustrates the likely change in the supply
and/or demand curves for chicken shortly after a sharp decrease in the price of fish?
Each response is the same graph as above with one or two additional curves.

Correct Response and Explanation (Show Correct ResponseHide Correct Response)
C. This question requires the examinee to apply concepts related to
business economics, such as supply and demand. Supply and demand curves illustrate how
demand for the item and the supply of the item affect the item's price. As demand
increases for an item, price will also increase, and the demand curve will move to the
right. As demand decreases, price will decrease, and the demand curve will move to the
left. The price for a particular item may also be sensitive to the supply and demand of
a related item. In this case, a sharp decrease in the price of fish is likely to increase
the demand for fish. Since fish often competes with chicken for a place at the family
dinner table, the increased demand for fish should lead to decreased demand for chicken,
which will lead to a reduction in the price of chicken and movement of the demand curve
to the left.
Descriptive Statements:
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic terminology, concepts, and theories of macroeconomics.
- Compare different economic and political systems.
- Analyze macroeconomic factors that influence economic growth and the business cycle.
- Apply economic indicators to assess the state of an economy.
- Analyze government, monetary, and fiscal policy and how these policies affect the U.S. economy.
Sample Item:
The Federal Reserve Board would be most likely to recommend a series of interest rate
cuts in order to help accomplish which of the following goals?
- bringing the economy out of a recession
- preventing devaluation of the dollar
- slowing down a too-rapid expansion of the economy
- reducing inflation
Correct Response and Explanation (Show Correct ResponseHide Correct Response)
A. This question requires the examinee to analyze government monetary
policy. The Federal Reserve Board uses its power to set certain interest rates to affect
the rate of economic growth and the rate of inflation. By reducing interest rates, the
Federal Reserve makes it easier for both businesses and consumers to borrow money. Easy
credit allows businesses to expand, production to increase, and more workers to be hired,
thus initiating the growth phase of the business cycle and helping to bring the national
economy out of recession.
Descriptive Statements:
- Analyze major concepts, historical patterns, and current trends in international trade and business.
- Analyze factors that affect international trade, domestic production, and the economies of the United States and other nations.
- Examine the roles of trade agreements, international agencies, and international financial institutions in expanding global commerce and promoting global economic integration.
- Analyze organizational structures and forms of international business ownership and how cultural, sociopolitical, economic, and language differences affect business operations and marketing in other countries.
Sample Item:
Which of the following changes in the U.S. economy would most likely lead to a decrease
in exports from the United States to other countries?
- a rise in the value of the U.S. dollar relative to other currencies
- an increase in the productivity of U.S. workers
- a decrease in the unemployment rate of U.S. workers
- a reduction in short-term interest rates charged by U.S. banks
Correct Response and Explanation (Show Correct ResponseHide Correct Response)
A. This question requires the examinee to analyze factors that affect
international trade and the economy of the United States. One important factor that
helps determine the success of a nation in exporting its goods and services is the price
of those goods and services in other countries. Many factors influence the prices of a
nation's goods and services, including the value of the nation's currency relative to
the currencies of other nations. A rise in the value of the U.S. dollar relative to the
European euro, for example, would lead to higher prices for U.S. goods and services on
European markets. Demand for U.S. goods and services in Europe would fall and the amount
of U.S. exports to Europe would decrease.