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Descriptive Statements:
- Demonstrate basic knowledge of various approaches to music instruction.
- Sequence music activities for a given situation.
- Apply knowledge of techniques for playing classroom instruments.
- Demonstrate knowledge of various technologies for listening to, studying, and creating music.
- Demonstrate knowledge of assessment tools for evaluating music skills and performances.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for ensuring access, accommodation, adaptation, and equity in relation to the school music program.
- Demonstrate knowledge of interdisciplinary connections between music, the related arts, and other content areas.
Sample Item:
A student who uses a wheelchair will be attending a guitar class. Which of the following
adaptations would be most appropriate for this student?
- pairing the student with a peer who is proficient at playing the guitar and who can model appropriate fingerings during class
- arranging for sheet music to be copied in large print for the student to use during guitar class
- working with the student to find an appropriate alternate position for the guitar, such as on the student's lap or on a table
- providing the student with a percussion instrument to play during the guitar class
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C. This question requires the examinee to apply knowledge of strategies
for ensuring access, accommodation, adaptation, and equity in relation to the school music
program. When adapting music activities for a student with special needs, a music teacher
should strive to enable the student to participate in the activities as fully as possible.
In this scenario, the typical position for playing a guitar needs to be adapted for a
student with physical needs.
Descriptive Statements:
- Demonstrate knowledge of vocal ranges and classifications, stages of vocal maturation, and various types and characteristics of vocal and choral ensembles.
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic techniques for developing singing skills and vocal health.
- Apply knowledge of techniques for addressing typical problems encountered in vocal and choral performance.
- Demonstrate knowledge of sight-singing approaches.
Sample Item:
Which of the following represents the typical alto vocal range?

Correct Response and Explanation (Show Correct ResponseHide Correct Response)
C. This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of vocal
ranges. The range of pitches from the A below middle C to the C above middle C is
considered to be the typical alto range.
Descriptive Statements:
- Demonstrate knowledge of types and characteristics of string, wind, percussion, and keyboard instruments, and types and characteristics of bands, orchestras, and other instrumental ensembles.
- Apply knowledge of basic techniques for playing string, wind, percussion, and keyboard instruments and basic procedures related to instrument maintenance.
- Apply knowledge of techniques for addressing typical problems encountered in playing string, wind, percussion, and keyboard instruments.
Sample Item:
A beginning clarinetist is producing a small, weak tone. Which of the following
techniques would best address this problem?
- telling the student to play using more vibrato
- modeling proper air support and embouchure for the student
- having the student play in the chalumeau and clarion registers
- playing a recording of a professional clarinetist for the student
Correct Response and Explanation (Show Correct ResponseHide Correct Response)
B. This question requires the examinee to apply knowledge of techniques
for addressing typical problems encountered in playing wind instruments. Modeling is an
effective strategy for teaching beginning instrumentalists. Proper air support and
embouchure are essential elements for creating good tone quality on a clarinet.
Descriptive Statements:
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic conducting patterns, techniques for communicating expression markings, and cuing techniques.
- Analyze score excerpts in terms of potential performance issues.
- Select appropriate repertoire for various vocal, choral, and instrumental ensembles, including general music classes.
- Demonstrate knowledge of copyright laws related to music education.
Sample Item:
Which of the following conducting patterns would typically be used to conduct a march?
- a fast, two-beat pattern
- an angular, four-beat pattern
- a rounded, two-beat pattern
- a slow, four-beat pattern
Correct Response and Explanation (Show Correct ResponseHide Correct Response)
A. This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of basic
conducting patterns. Since marches are in duple meter, the pattern would need to be in two
beats. Marches are often conducted at 120 beats per minute (allegro), a fast tempo.
Therefore, a fast, two-beat pattern would be most appropriate.