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Descriptive Statements:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the major health-related components of physical fitness and types of physical fitness training used to address each component.
- Apply developmentally appropriate knowledge of conditioning and training principles and ways in which they are used and adjusted to improve physical fitness.
- Recognize principles, skills, techniques, activities, safety practices, and resources for developing, monitoring, and assessing cardiorespiratory endurance.
- Recognize principles, skills, techniques, activities, and safety practices for developing and improving flexibility of the major joints and areas of the body.
- Recognize principles, skills, techniques, activities, and safety practices for developing and improving strength and endurance of the major muscle groups of the body.
- Recognize principles, skills, techniques, activities, and safety practices for developing and improving body composition.
- Distinguish between types of endurance, flexibility, and strengthening activities and developmentally appropriate equipment, practices, and considerations for these activities.
- Analyze the safety and effectiveness of various types of fitness exercises.
Sample Item:

In the exercise shown above, the student's arm is down to the side with the hand slightly behind the body for support. The other arm extends overhead and reaches to the opposite side. The stretch is held briefly. The student repeats the movement with the other arm. This stretch targets which of the following muscles?
- biceps
- erector spinae
- gluteus maximus
- latissimus dorsi
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D. This question requires the examinee to recognize techniques and activities for developing and improving flexibility of the joints and muscles. The latissimus dorsi, a wide powerful muscle, arises from the lower vertebral column, covers the lower back, and runs from the side of the trunk to the humerus. The action of the latissimus dorsi draws the upper arm downward and backward and rotates it inward. In the flexibility exercise illustrated, the participant stretches one arm overhead while bending at the waist in the same direction, thereby stretching the side of the trunk where the latissimus dorsi is located. To stretch the other latissimus dorsi, the participant switches arms to stretch the other side of the trunk.
Descriptive Statements:
- Identify principles, criteria, and methods for designing and implementing individualized fitness plans (e.g., evaluating the need for lifestyle changes, including activities to address major fitness components).
- Apply knowledge of physical fitness tests and techniques for using fitness assessment results to determine health-related needs and goals.
- Demonstrate knowledge of techniques for establishing personal fitness, physical activity, and nutritional goals and monitoring progress toward these goals.
- Analyze the relationships between diet, physical activity, health, and body composition.
- Recognize sound weight management principles and practices and strategies for integrating them into daily life.
- Apply knowledge of principles and procedures for analyzing time, cost, accessibility, and resources in relation to participation in physical fitness activities and personal fitness or weight management plans.
- Recognize strategies for integrating fitness activities into daily life and the benefits of a physically active lifestyle (e.g., reduced stress, enjoyment, challenge, social interaction, reduced health care costs).
Sample Item:
Which of the following strategies is likely to be most effective for supporting an adolescent's efforts to lose weight?
- having regular family meal and snack times
- sending the adolescent to school with homemade lunches instead of lunch money
- involving the entire family in a healthy eating plan
- reminding the adolescent frequently of the health risks prevented by losing weight
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C. This question requires the examinee to recognize sound weight management principles and practices and strategies for integrating them into daily life. Family involvement and encouragement are key to supporting an adolescent's efforts to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. An adolescent is much more likely to be motivated and committed to healthful eating if his or her family participates in and reinforces the behavior. Strategies such as modeling healthy eating habits and preparing meals that provide the proper balance of nutrients from a variety of foods are essential for establishing sound family nutritional practices.
Descriptive Statements:
- Analyze the relationship between physical activity and the development of positive self-concept, mental and emotional well-being, and enhanced self-management skills.
- Recognize how sports, games, and fitness activities should promote positive personal behaviors and traits (e.g., civility, self-control, responsibility, confidence, honesty, appropriate attitudes about winning and losing).
- Analyze ways in which sports, games, and fitness activities should promote positive social behaviors and traits (e.g., leadership, teamwork, cooperation, fairness, support and consideration of others).
- Recognize the roles of sports, games, and fitness activities in promoting respect, acceptance, and inclusion of peers and in developing understanding and appreciation of diversity.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the sociocultural benefits of participation in physical activities (e.g., advantages of diverse talent to team membership, awareness of how various cultures view and value physical activity).
- Identify ways in which physical activities offer opportunities for personal challenge, satisfaction, competition, achievement, positive social interactions, and healthy alternatives to risky behaviors.
Sample Item:
Use the activity description below to answer the question that follows.
A group of six- and seven-year-old children are playing "amoeba tag." Two children join hands and run around together, chasing and trying to tag others. The first two children tagged join hands with the two "amoebas" and form a chain. At this point, the four children split into two groups. Play continues as each group tries to tag children and add them to its chain. Groups may remain as one chain or divide into even-numbered groups. Chains may link together at will. The game continues until all are tagged.
Which of the following is a primary advantage of engaging children in this activity?
- It promotes the development of problem-solving skills and consensus-building techniques.
- It eliminates risks to children involving accidental collisions or falls.
- It encourages children to communicate, cooperate, and use reasoning skills.
- It evens out disparities among children related to individual fitness attributes such as speed and stamina.
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C. This question requires the examinee to analyze ways in which games promote positive social behaviors and traits. Amoeba tag encourages students to work together in a safe and positive manner. Children in the amoeba chains must communicate with group members and cooperate with group efforts in order to travel together and tag other children. The game prompts children to think about all members of their group, not just themselves, as they move as a group through space and communicate about direction and tactics. The game also encourages children to use reasoning skills in determining when and how to split into smaller even-numbered groups and in developing group strategies for tagging remaining players.